Thursday, March 24, 2016

Realising Potential

Never judge a book by its cover – it's easier said then done.

In 2016, our world is driven by appearance. We judge, we point, we critique and we discriminate based on what we see. Forbes, emphasizes how important appearance is. However, “dressing appropriately” is not always within reach. We neglect to think of those who can’t afford designer work clothes and we laugh at those who haven’t been educated on what “correct” work attire is. The majority of us are lucky to grow up with parents with full time jobs; we intuitively learn what it means to be part of the “business world.” We know how to look the part.

How about those who haven’t had that opportunity?  Those who are trying to be the first in their family to get an office job? Or whose parents cant afford proper “business world” attire? Do they have a chance to make it?

Well like I said, appearance is everything in 2016.  Would you hire someone who turned up to a job interview wearing inappropriate clothes? No. And this is not a crime, nor is it uncommon. Standards exist for a reason. A first impression is important; it generally indicates whether a person has promise. All assessed based on how they act and look in one job interview. But what about those who want to do well, and will be dedicated, but just don't have the means or experience to demonstrate that in the way they dress?

Wear For Success (WFS) is a not-for-profit social enterprise. It understands and endeavors to show others, that “everyone has potential.” Furthermore, they help everyone find his or her potential. Their mission statement states: “if we can engender confidence in people by helping them look and feel the part on their journey towards employment, then we’ve done our job.”

So how do you instill confidence and self- belief in people who are struggling to enter the business world?  Wear for Success’s focus seems three-fold:

Firstly, they make people feel valued, important and empowered. Simply throwing people some decent clothes and telling them what to wear, does not establish confidence. The issue is much deeper then that. According to Forbes many people don't get jobs or don't progress in the work place due to low self-esteem. If you don't believe in yourself, how do you expect others to believe in you? Wear for Success seeks to instill confidence beyond nice clothes, as seen in the video below.

“We all know how important it is to dress appropriate for job interviews, but it is more important for them to feel confidence within themselves”

Secondly, WFC educate clients by giving tips and teaching them appropriate work place behavior.
Solely volunteers run the enterprise. Thus, different organizations fund programs. Accenture fund a Career Support Training program. Where professional corporate trainers deliver résumé writing, interview preparation, computer basics and many more programs to clients. This helps clients not be constantly overlooked for job interviews. They gain basic skills, necessary to get them up and running.
Finally, as Wear for Success implies they help clients dress to impress. Once they feel confidant, have been educated on what to do, the last step (the highlight for many) is receiving clothing. As the public donates all items, WFS rely heavily on the generosity of others.  In a one-hour fitting, you truly witness a transformation. Not only in they way the client looks, but the increase in confidence when they see themselves. They are inspired and motivated to achieve because they finally feel they can.

Work For Success is a social enterprise driven to kick start the lives of those less fortunate. Established in 2011, run by a dedicated group of volunteers and management team, including a volunteer board, it is hard to fault this amazing business. They have the capacity and demand to expand, and I would recommend they did. Being a registered charity, they have many people dedicating their time free of charge.   It exhibits a positive work environment and a very organized workplace system.

Who supports them?

What they have achieved so far?

How can you help?
Work for Success receives no federal or state government funding. They rely solely on donations of: 




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Wear for Success is a not-for profit social enterprise making a big difference in the lives of others. Getting a job is a fundamental part of life. A job allows people to feel important, valued and gives them the ability to provide for themselves, so they can lead the life they want. Everyone deserves the chance to be successful, if you are hard working, dedicated and driven, small details like the clothes you wear and whether you know how to prepare a resume shouldn't stand in the way.

If you can dress for success, then help Wear for Success give others that chance too. 

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