Friday, May 29, 2015

Students not afraid of Change.

Change is a constant. It is around us, inside us and everywhere we look.

In the time you take to read this sentence, 50,000 of your body cells will have died and been replaced, a necessary change, but out of your control. However, many constructive changes are within our control, and it is these that we must take responsibility for and act upon.

Even though we are subject to constant change – in mind and body - for some reason many people become anxious at the mention of “change.” The majority of adults associate “change” with negative connotations; a change in the workplace, change in jobs, pay, interest rates, and the overall cost of living. Perhaps this is because they have become entrenched in their ways, or comfortable in, or at least accepting of, their environment.

It is for this reason that student led change vital for society.

Young adults still hold small elements
of their childhood selves; they tackle
the world with no fear, nothing is
impossible to them.  
Students are more open to change.  They act on what they deem important, being unfazed by the unknown. Students are optimistic leaders, they “demonstrate a healthy and favorable outlook, fostering hope, and set a positive tone for the future” (Shankman, Allen & Haber-Curren 2015).  Young people are adventurers, they take risks and they are determined to lead change where possible.

“Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child.” - Ron Wild

 As Christine Nixon put it, we are “all global citizens, with global challenges” (2015, pers. Comm 28 April). Whether we are personally affected by them or not, global challenges surround us, and we must work to amend them.  Positive change is required.

This does not mean we must expect to address the major challenges the world faces; ending poverty, stopping wars or finding a cure for cancer.  Solving these problems will take time and requires the efforts of more than just one student body.  It is important to be realistic in setting our goals and considering our actions.  We need to look at the changes we can make that will build to something.  The small changes we make individually will overall have the greatest impact.  As Mother Teresa said:  

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
Playing Basketball. 
Our world is filled with conflicting existence. It is for this reason that I embarked on a trip to India and Northern Nepal with my fellow Sacre Coeur students to try and create a difference, even if no more than bringing a sense of worth and hope to families who were affected by poverty. We were a group students “going beyond temporary gains in achievement scores to create lasting, meaningful improvements” (Hargreaves & Fink 2004). We were a group of students leading change.

Hand- clapping games. 

Despite poverty being a global challenge, we set the realistic goal to initiate change within a small community. Volunteering in a Tibetan Refugee, we endeavored to generate feelings of happiness in the locals. Whether it was through playing hand-clapping games, basketball, having spontaneous sing-a-longs, or even cleaning the school and work sheds, these small actions increased the chances of a smile appearing on the locals’ faces.

A smile may seem insignificant and irrelevant, in relation to the global issue of poverty, however we strongly believe that it made a difference in their lives. It fostered hope and confidence in the Refugees.  

The power of a smile. 
We were wanted to engage both “above and below the Neck” (Heifetz, Grashow & Linksky 2009), meaning we invested both our physical strength as well as our heart, to those we helped in the Refugee center. Good leaders bring intellect to their work; great leaders pour their heart and emotions into what they do, and consequently they have the greatest impact because they care for their work. Just like we cared for the locals on our trip.

We knew we couldn't change the world and we understood we couldn't remove the poverty in their lives, but most importantly, we saw an opportunity to help others. We seized the chance to make a difference in the world, even if it was small.  We were not scared to create change; we were willing to enter into the unknown, because it was important to us.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

Currently the students of today endeavor to change the world. They do not fear change, but the question is will this mentality sustain as they grow up, or will they too, succumb to the notion of “change” with having negative connotations? Is there an unidentified cycle that must be broken, so that student led change is not temporary?
A group of 15 students not afraid of change. 

Bebi, A & Beba B 2013, Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child - Ron Wild, PinInterest, online image, viewed 26 May 2015,

Heifetz, R, Grashow, A & Linsky, M 2009, Leadership in a (permanent) crisis, Harvard Business Review, Massachusetts.

Heifetz, R, Grashow, A & Linsky, M 2009, The Practice of Adaptive Leadership, Harvard Business Review, Massachusetts.

Hargreaves, A & Fink, D 2004. “The Seven Principles of Sustainable Leadership”. Educational Leadership, Volume 61, Number 7.

Shankman, M, Allen, S & Haber-Curran 2015, emotionally intelligent leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

*all other images are my own*

Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Interview with Ian Ward-Ambler.

Social justice drives Ian Ward-Ambler.
Ian currently sits on the Board of Australia’s National Research Organization for Women’s Safety Limited (ANROWS) as Director and Chair of Finance, is a Vice Chair for Voyager Indigenous Tourism, Chairs the Finance Legal and Investment Sub-Committee of the Indigenous Land Council, is Chair of the Finance Committee and a member of the Investment Management Committee at Melbourne University’s Trinity College and is also a self-employed Executive Coach.
Find more information about Ian at his Linked in Account:
At the beginning of Ian’s career, fresh out of Melbourne University, with a degree in Philosophy and Economics, Ian worked with opposition leader Jeff Kennett as Chair of BeyondBlue and from 2010-2014, he was the Chair of the not-for-profit organization Hands on Learning.  However, between 1991 and 2012 his career focus was at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, where he was Chief Executive for some time, as well as a stint in New York, as President of JBWere’s Securities Division.

The move to New York to run JBWere’s office was the first time Ian had “massive autonomy.” During this period Ian learnt first hand, what makes a good leader.

Entering this new role, or any new leadership role for that matter, Ian’s fundamental approach is always to “ask a lot of questions.” Heifetz, Grashow and Linsky (2009) describe this strategy as “being on the balcony,” it is one of the hallmarks of effective leadership. Ian understood that existing employees wouldn't immediately accept a young unknown Australian, telling them what to do; therefore initially Ian put himself “on the balcony,” to observe the “bigger picture… [and] patterns of behavior.”   And also to gain trust.

Change was required but Ian understood the motivational power that ‘ownership’ of change would generate.  He facilitated change by planting seeds of ideas, but allowing those seeds to develop through his staff.  He wanted “[employees] to come up with ideas as their idea.”

He noticed his “behavior had a ripple effect right across the office.” As Shankman, Allen and Haber-Curran (2015) stress, “emotions are contagious,” and Ian found that his energy influenced the people around him. If he was dedicated, optimistic and focused, others would copy.

“As a leader, all eyes are on you and so you must constantly maintain a positive attitude.”  
- Shankman, Allen and Haber-Curran (2015)

Furthermore, Ian realised that to be a good leader, “[his] success would be from the quality of people around [him].” Therefore, to “mobilize the system” (Heifetz, Grashow & Linsky 2009), Ian essentially “pinched” people he identified as hard workers who would bring success.  He brought a productive team together.

A reoccurring theme in Ian’s life and leadership is his passion for helping others. An example is ANROWS, an independent, not-for-profit organization aimed at reducing Violence against Women and their Children. The ability to work effectively in diverse settings such as JBWere and ANROWS showed Ian how his leadership skills could be applied to different contexts.  In a not-for profit organization like ANROWS Ian found himself relying heavily on his “adaptive skills,” but rarely using “technical skills.”

“Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness” – Ian Ward-Ambler

Ian doesn't, however, see working at JBWere compared to ANROWS, as the dichotomy of capitalism vs social justice. In all of his jobs an element of social justice was present, the extent to which it was and is present involves a “continuum.”

Never aspiring to be like any specific leader, Ian preferred to learn from others to allow personal leadership traits to form.  

Being part of both Voyager Indigenous Tourism and the Indigenous Land Councils is something that has always been important to Ian. Believing that if everyone “walked a mile in other people’s shoes,” our world would be less dogmatic place.

“Leadership needs to be who you are” - Ian Ward-Ambler

People would have different points of view, if they actually sat down and spent time talking to Aborigines or women who have been subject to violence. The global problems that face us today are complex problems; there is no quick fix solution. However Ian believes that being open to “learning, listening, understanding and [showing] empathy” for the global issues of today, such as Aboriginal and Women’s rights, is a simple step that could have a dramatic effect.

Ian otherwise believes in the importance of small changes; “little things do matter.” Language is important, and thus one small change Ian makes to address Women’s rights is that he is a “Chair” of an organization, if “Chairman” is written, he will delete “man.”  Ian sees the relevance of lots of small steps to helping resolve larger issues. 

Egalitarianism drives Ian Ward-Ambler.


ANROWS, 2014, Key statistics on violence against women, online image, viewed 10 May 2015,
ANROWS, 2013, Ian Ward-Ambler, online image, viewed 10 May 2015,
Corporate Videos Australia 2013, Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia commercial - Airport Version, online video, viewed 11 May 2015,
Heifetz, R, Grashow, A & Linsky, M 2009, Leadership in a (permanent) crisis, Harvard Business Review, Massachusetts.
Heifetz, R, Grashow, A & Linsky, M 2009, The Practice of Adaptive Leadership, Harvard Business Review, Massachusetts.
Shankman, M, Allen, S & Haber-Curran 2015, emotionally intelligent leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Signtech, 2012, online image, viewed 10 May 2015,

Saturday, May 9, 2015


School Years with Mum. 
Mothers keep the world spinning. 

As cliche as it might sound - My mum really is my best friend. 

She is the first person I go to when I need advice, the last person I kiss goodnight, she is the only one I would truly trust with my life. 

Peas in a Pod. 
"God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers"   
- Rudyard Kipling

Rhonda Hopkins is everyone's favourite Mum. She is fun, adventurous, helpful, loving, caring, but knows when to be tough.

She knows when you're down and something is wrong, even if you don’t shout it out like a song. She will give you a hug, or just a good talk, she will make you see the good in life.

I can not imagine a world without my Mum, she is the ying to my yang, the peanut butter to my jelly, the tim to my tam, the twinkle to my star.

Mum you are the smile to my face and I will be forever in your debt, because the love you have given me is irreplaceable and I will never forget.

3 Generations.  

“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.”

Washington Irving

Mum & I at my Year 11 Formal.