Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Playing cards with my Sherpas on my trip to Northern India & Nepal in 2013.
Firstly, I would like to start by saying that my thoughts are with those who have been affected by the Nepal Earthquake.

It was only 2 weeks ago that my brother, Harry, returned from a school trip to Nepal. He flew into Kathmandu, he walked through Pokhara. Only two weeks ago Harry was standing in historic temples that today are unrecognisable ruins on the street. He would have been one of the last few to see Nepal in its true colours.

But what we reflect on most  is how lucky we are; 2 weeks difference. That's all it was for our lives to be changed for the worst. Imagine 35 Victorian school boys being caught in the chaos. I can not start to think how my family would be; the unknown and the continous worry until they returned safely. It was hard enough not hearing from him the whole trip, but imagine in a time like this.

It has also sparked concern in Harry towards the welfare for the locals that helped him on his trip; the sherpas, guides, cooks and all the people he met along the way. It also got me thinking about my trip to Northern India and Nepal and although we were mainly placed in India, the people we met could have been in Nepal at the time. You just never know.

Therefore, I think it is important to send out thoughts and prays to all those directly and indirectly affected. Everyone may unknowingly know someone - thinking and praying for them is the least we can do.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

TED Talk: The Power of a Walk

Nilofer Merchant suggests a small idea that just might have a big impact on your life and health: Next time you have a one-on-one meeting, make it into a "walking meeting" — and let ideas flow while you walk and talk. 

For many our health is an aspect of our lives that we intend to heavily focus on; goals to go to the gym everyday, eat healthy, start a diet, loose those extra 5kg that slowly creeped on over the holidays, we all have the best intentions for our health. However, it is the extent to which our intentions are converted into reality, that becomes are our main concern. 

We are a generation guided by technology, everything today can be done by the touch of a button. We are not moving. We are getting fatter, we are eating more, while we are doing less, we are the laziest generation in history.

Hence when I came across the TED Talk,"Got a meeting? Take a walk" by Nilofer Merchant, I was in owe as to how such a simple change could be so effective. So many jobs are bombarded with meetings upon meetings, day after day. Day after day people are sitting on their bums being inactive. So why can't we change to have some meetings in the form of a walk? 

Sure, it would not be possible for all meetings to change to be in a walking environment, ones where papers, evidence and materials are required for the meeting to occur. But how about meetings where that excessive "stuff" isn't a necessity? Why not change a quick 'coffee' meeting into a quick 'walk and talk' meeting? It is recommended for Australian Adults to undertake at least 20 minutes of exercise everyday. 20 minutes, that's all. A 20 minute walk to discuss the next step for the company, and you are already on a better path to health. 

We sit at our desks, in our cars, we sit listening in lectures, tutes and classrooms, we sit while we eat, while we drink our coffee, our lives revolve around sitting. When we finally do get the time to relax, many of us (and rightly so I say!) choose to wind down by sitting down in front of the TV to watch our favourite show, well deserved at the end of a long day.
 Sitting in inevitable in our lives, however I believe that we should endeavour to walk, where possible. If a meeting can be productively discussed on a walk, why not take that option? 
Why not give yourself the best chance at a healthy life? Who knows you might actually enjoy the fresh air, the smell of fresh grass and the birds chirping. Or maybe you really do love a stuffy office, with the constant sound of photocopies running and the overbearing smell of someones reheated left overs. Who knows? 

All I know is that your body will love you for taking it on a walk.     

Link to TED Talk: http://www.ted.com/talks/nilofer_merchant_got_a_meeting_take_a_walk?language=en#t-180209  

Thursday, April 23, 2015

"Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality"
- Nikos Kazantzakis